Fruit of ways
Anemia: grapes, orange, tomato, strawberry, apple, cherry
High cholesterol, shanzhu, walnut
Hypertension, avocado, banana, watermelon, grapes, orange, tomato, apples, pears, walnut, persimmon, peaches
Atherosclerosis: apple, avocado, walnut, orange, tomato, strawberry, bananas
Stroke: apple, persimmon, pineapple, bizarre fruit
Heart disease: apple, avocado, kiwi, pear, watermelon, pineapple, walnut, bananas
Diabetes, avocado, pear, tomato, guava, loquat, peach and watermelon
The respiratory system, the trachea, lung diseases:
Bronchitis, grapes, apples, pears, cherry, strawberry, pineapple, loquat, persimmon
Asthma: grapes, peaches
TB: peach, peach, loquat, papaya
The digestive system, intestines and stomach, liver disease:
Ulcer, avocado, bananas, pears
Gastritis, avocado, apple, grape
Enteritis, pineapple, bananas, apples, grapes, tomato, guava
Diarrhea: apple
Stomachache: papaya
Digest: pears, strawberry, loquat
Hemorrhoids: apple, peach, banana, persimmon, FIG
Liver disease: the strawberry and plum, apple, grapes, banana, orange
Urinary tract disease:
Cystitis, watermelon, peaches
Urolithiasis, watermelon, bizarre fruit
Incontinence: peach, plums
Urethritis, peaches, grapes
1993,16: the watermelon, apples, pears, grapes, pineapple and melon, orange, strawberry, peach, kiwi, avocados
Endocrine diseases:
Hyperthyroidism: persimmon, apple
The endocrine disorder, avocado, apples, peaches, grapes, kiwi, melon, papaya
Eye, ear, laryngeal disease:
Tinnitus: shanzhu
Tonsils: pears
3 hoarseness: grapes, loquat
Nyctalopia: orange
Bone, arthritis, skin disease:
Postoperative wound fast healing: strawberry
Backache, lumbago, kiwi, watermelon, pears and oranges
Shoulder pain: peach
Fracture: grapes
Arthritis: grapes, loquat
Gout: kiwi and pineapple
Hemostasis contusions: melon
Skin: papaya, strawberry, apples and tomatoes, walnut
Oral diseases:
Mouth inflammation, oranges, apples, pears
Dental diseases: strawberry, orange, plums
Cancer: kiwi, papaya, lemon, pineapple, grape
Feeling risk: strawberry, pineapple, mango, and orange, lemon loquats
Pregnant women stop vomit: pears, apple, persimmon
Pregnant women, avocado, postpartum recovery apple, walnut
Add strength, prevent ageing: apple, pear, banana, walnut
Poor appetite: grapes
To promote growth, avocado, apples, pears, bananas, strawberry, melon and watermelon